Pictures from Carl Byington's collection


c0001 small standard full Jerry Patterson and Dorthy O'Neal
c0002 small standard full 1998-06-15 "Silverton-Durango train". Michael PTA Reflections 1998-99 program entry. "Suddenly You Turn Around And... There Are Still Some Left". There are very few steam trains left, which inspired me to name my picture "There Are Still Some Left."
c0003 small standard full 1997-09-24 "Bird World". Michael PTA Reflections 1997-98 program entry. I used color markers to draw my picture. The theme, "Wouldn't it be great if?", made me think of nature. I decided it would be great if animals had more space. In this case I chose birds, bees, and bats (at the right bottom corner).
c0004 small standard full 1997-09-22 "Money Grove". Michael PTA Reflections 1997-98 program entry. I used clothespins to attach the money to the tree. The theme, "Wouldn't it be great if?", inspired me to have money as a plot. Wouldn't it be great if money grew on trees!?
c0005 small standard full Rene PTA Reflections 1997-1998 program entry. I used markers to draw my picture. I think it would be great if trees grew on top of houses because then it would be shady on top.
c0006 small standard full 1998-10-18 "Rock". Rene PTA Reflections 1998-1999 program entry. "Suddenly You Turn Around And... my Uncle Lester is on a rock". I also like rocks.
c0010 small standard full 1999-11-14 The Magic Broom. Rene PTA Reflections 1999-2000 program entry
c0007 small standard full 2001-11-20 carving by Michael with colored markers
LD1 small standard full Laura with dog
LD2 small standard full Laura with dog
LD3 small standard full Laura with dog
LD4 small standard full Laura with dog
LD5 small standard full Laura with dog
b0107 small standard full Davis Gulch, Lake Powell
c0008 small standard full 1998-10-18 Michael in a slot canyon at the end of Mountain Sheep, Lake Powell
c0009 small standard full 1998-10-18 Aunt Sharon in the same slot
b0083 small standard full Michael on Cyclops at Joshua Tree
b0084 small standard full Carl on Cyclops at Joshua Tree
ward small standard full Original watercolor by Mrs. Ward
d0368 small standard full Rene, Alyssa, guinea pigs
d0369 small standard full Rene, Alyssa, guinea pigs
d0370 small standard full Rene, Alyssa, guinea pigs
d0371 small standard full Rene, Alyssa, guinea pigs